Sunday, February 26, 2012

Critical Depletion of Fish

There has been an overwhelming decline in the number of fish caught since the beginning of highly industrialized fishing. This decrease can be understood as an overall depletion of fish in the seas. A figure from a comprehensive study below shows this dramatic drop and how this drop is exacerbated within the temperate regions compared to the tropical regions.
Myers, R. A., & Worm, B. (January 01, 2003). Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities. Nature,423, 6937, 280-3.

Not only are these fisheries appear to be under a steep decline, but this decline has ended with fish stocks at only 10% of the original amount!


  1. I really like your site, it has a lot of information and interesting/understandable figures. I do think a few pictures spread throughout your text might make it more visually appealing to the audience. Overall great job!

  2. Your blog has plenty of content and offers a very balanced scope to the problem of fishery management. However, it seems that most of the figures shown on your blog are figures or images pulled straight from papers. Perhaps you can make a graph of your own summarizing the data in another way, maybe comparing the rates of decline across various ecosystems? Other than that, your blog is very informative and well done!
